Degree Works at Clemson University
Degree Works is a web-based tool that helps you and your advisor keep track of your progress as you work towards earning your Clemson degree. It converts your transcript into an easy-to-read audit with checkboxes showing which courses and requirements are complete, in-progress, or incomplete. Your advisor can use the audit to provide accurate recommendations to help you fulfill the degree requirements to earn your diploma effectively and efficiently.
To find your Degree Works audit, log into iROAR, go to Student Self-Service and click Degree Works.
Submit a question using the information below for additional insights on Degree Works.
Discover the Benefits of Degree Works
Degree Works offers a wide range of dynamic tools that help you stay organized and keep you on a path to earning your degree on time by allowing you to:
- View detailed requirements for your degree, major and minor.
- See how completed, in-progress and approved transfer/AP course work applies to your degree requirements.
- Identify which courses you still need to complete your specific degree requirements.
- View your cumulative GPA.
- Plan your course selections for future semesters using the Look Ahead feature.
- Generate What-If audits to view hypothetical major and/or minor changes based on your current and projected course work.
How to Use Your Degree Works Audit
A Degree Works audit is a curriculum evaluation categorized into different blocks of requirements, such as the general education, major, minor, concentration and other requirements. The audit matches your coursework (completed, currently enrolled, or registered for in the future) to your degree requirements in an easy-to-read worksheet that shows how the courses count toward degree requirements. Each block within the audit works as a checklist and boxes are automatically checked for you when a requirement is met.
Audits vs. Transcripts
While Degree Works should be used as a visual aid and point of reference for degree advancement, it is not an official transcript or proof of degree completion.
Your degree audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It displays courses required and completed in your degree program. Your transcript is your official University academic record and provides a chronological list of courses completed and other academic information.
Always consult with an advisor and/or academic administrators regarding University practices, policies and curriculum requirements.
View Your Academic History
On the Audits tab, click on the Class History link at the top for a list of all the courses you have taken at Clemson as well as transfer and advanced placement courses. Grades are posted in Degree Works at each term's end when available.
Your AP credits will also be included in Degree Works. Once the University receives AP scores from the College Board and credit is granted, you should see them on your iROAR record and in the audit.
Transfer credits are also listed in your audit. If you are concerned about a transfer course not showing in the right place within the audit or not showing at all, you should contact Enrolled Student Services (ESS).
View Required Classes
Your audit will outline courses needed to meet degree, major, minor and/or concentration requirements within each block. You can also see a consolidated list of courses not yet completed by selecting Registration Checklist from the Worksheet menu. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your Academic Advisor.
If you think you requirements appear to be incorrect, note the Catalog Year that appears on the major requirements block of the audit. According to your official academic record, this is the catalog that you are following to complete your major requirements. If you believe you should be using older or newer curriculum requirements, you’ll need to contact your Academic Advisor.
Review a Major Change
You can use the "What-If" option to view hypothetical major and/or minor changes based on current and projected course work. Be sure to select a Degree, Catalog term and Major along with any corresponding Minors or Concentrations. What-If audits do not guarantee that you will be able to major in the area you select. If you decide you'd like to change your major, contact the academic advisor of the new major for information and instructions.
If you do decide to change your major, submit a Request to Change Academic Program in iROAR. Find additional information on Changing Academic Program or Curriculum Year.
Degree Works Tips and Tricks
When to Review Your Audit
A degree audit can be reviewed at any time; however, it is recommended to do so at least four times a semester.
- Before registering for an upcoming semester.
- After you register to ensure that the courses apply to your program requirements.
- After grades are posted for each semester.
- Any time changes are made to your schedule or major.
Course Substitutions
If your advisor or department chair gave you permission to substitute a course, but it's not showing on your audit, some paperwork may be missing or the system may need to refresh.
Check with your advisor to be sure the proper paperwork has been completed and submitted to Enrolled Student Services (ESS). Once ESS has entered the necessary substitutions and the audit has been refreshed, you should see the substitution. Degree Works refreshes the system each night, so any changes made should be immediately visible the next day.
About Wild Card Courses
You may notice the "@" symbol appearing frequently throughout your Degree Works audit. This indicates a wild card in Degree Works. For example, if the @ sign is followed by course numbers (@1000:4999), it means that you may take a course in any subject area within the specified course number range. In this case, any 1000-4000-level course in any subject area is allowed.