Final Exam Schedule

Fall 2024 Exam Schedule

The exam schedule is designed for classes that meet at a standard time pattern. Exam periods are assigned based on the start time of the class. If your class has a standard start time, use the exam period below that corresponds to the first day/time of the week that your class meets. If the course begins at a non-standard time, i.e., time not listed below:

  • Contact your instructor for details
  • Instructor see your departmental Room Coordinator for meeting space

Final examinations for Fall 2024 are scheduled December 9 — December 13 (M-F) as published in the Academic Calendar*.

*During inclement weather, students should monitor University emails for potential delays or closings. Further information may be available on class Canvas pages or emails sent directly from instructors.
Common Exams
Course Exam Day Exam Time
MATH 1010, 1020, 2070 Wed 7-9:30pm
MATH 1030, 1040, 1060, 1070, 1080 Mon 11:30-2pm
STAT 2220 Thurs 7-9:30pm
STAT 2300 Mon 11:30-2pm
STAT 3090 Mon 7-9:30pm
ACCT 2010, 2020 Tue 11:30-2pm
ENGR 1020, 1410, 1510 Tue 11:30-2pm
CH 1010, 1020, 2230, 2240 Wed 11:30-2pm
PHYS 1220, 2070, 2080, 2210 Wed 7-9:30pm
COMM 2500 Mon 7-9:30pm
ME 2050 Mon 11:30-2pm
Regularly Scheduled Exams
Class Day, Time Exam Day Exam Time
MWF, 8-8:50am Thurs 11:30-2pm
MWF, 9:05-9:55am Fri 8-10:30am
MWF, 10:10-11am Tue 3-5:30pm
MWF, 11:15-12:05pm Tue 8-10:30am
MWF, 12:20-1:10pm Mon 8-10:30am
MWF, 1:25-2:15pm Fri 3-5:30pm
MWF, 2:30-3:20pm Thurs 3-5:30pm
MW, 2:30-3:45pm Thurs 3-5:30pm
MW, 3:35-4:50pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MWF, 3:35-4:25pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MW, 4-5:15pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MWF, 4:40-5:30pm Tue 7-9:30pm
MW, 5:45-7pm Mon 7-9:30pm
M, 6:15-9pm Mon 7-9:30pm
W, 6:15-9pm Wed 7-9:30pm
MW, 7:15-8:30pm Fri 7-9:30pm
TTH, 8-9:15am Fri 7-9:30pm
TTH, 9:30-10:45am Wed 8-10:30am
TTH, 11-12:15pm Wed 3-5:30pm
TTH, 12:30-1:45pm Mon 3-5:30pm
TTH, 2-3:15pm Thurs 8-10:30am
TTH, 3:30-4:45pm Fri 11:30-2pm
TTH, 5-6:15 Thurs 7-9:30pm
T, 6:15-9pm Thurs 7-9:30pm
TH, 6:15-9pm Mon 7-9:30pm
TTH, 6:30-7:45pm Thurs 7-9:30pm