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Withdrawing from Clemson

If you are in need of a medical withdrawal, please contact:

To withdraw from Clemson University, drop all your classes via the iROAR registration portal. Undergraduate students withdrawing from fall or spring terms requires an Application for Re-Entrance with fee to return to Clemson.

*Per federal regulation, the date of the institution's determination that the student withdraws varies depending on the type of withdrawal. For example, if a student begins the official withdrawal process or provides official notification to the school of his or her intent to withdraw, the date of the institution's determination that the student withdraws would be the date the student begins the official withdrawal process or the date of the student's notification, whichever is later.

Checklist for Withdrawing

  • Financial Services

    Any adjustments to your tuition/fees and financial aid will be based on the date on which you’ve completed the withdrawal process. Please see Clemson's Adjustment Schedule. If you are entitled to a refund, it will be automatically sent by direct deposit or a check to your permanent home address.

    However, if you drop all classes after the semester begins, you may find that your financial aid has been decreased or cancelled, and a repayment of some aid or payment plan may be due. Please contact the Student Financial Aid Office at 864-656-2280 to address your questions about your aid or contact Student Financial Services for questions about your balance.

  • Financial Aid

    If you withdraw prior to completing over 60% of a term, a pro-rated portion of the federal financial aid dollars must be considered "unearned" and returned to the federal programs. This could cause you to owe the University a significant amount upon withdrawal.

    In addition to the amount of federal aid that Clemson must return, you may be required to repay a portion of the funds and aid you received for other educational costs, including off-campus living expenses. Failure to return aid due to the federal aid programs will result in loss of eligibility for federal aid assistance.

    For more information, please contact Financial Aid directly at 864-656-2280 or email  finaid@clemson.

  • Parking Services

    Parking decals must be returned to Parking Services. If you purchased an annual parking permit, a partial refund may be given up to March 15. For more questions, please contact Parking Services directly at 864-656-2270 or email

  • Housing

    Please contact the Resident Assistant of your housing facility, schedule a time to check out, and return your key prior to leaving campus. If you have any additional questions, please contact University Housing at 864-656-2295 or email University Housing.

  • Graduate Students

    Before dropping your last class, please meet with your Graduate Program Coordinator.

    Graduate students wishing to withdraw from the University should refer to the Graduate Policies & Procedures Handbook for information about the Continuous Enrollment Policy and the Medical Withdrawal Policy.

  • Veteran's Benefits

    If you are receiving Veteran's Benefits, you may be responsible for returning funds to the VA. If you have any additional questions, please call 864-656-5280 or email VA Benefits.

    If called to serve, you should view withdrawal options when Called to Active Duty.

  • International Services

    If you are an international student, contact International Services at 864-656-3614 or stop by 108 Long Hall.

Office of Records and Registration
Office of Records and Registration | 102 Sikes Hall