Student Name Changes

Legal Name Change

Clemson University requires a student’s full legal name to be included in his or her student records. Once the legal name has been determined, it becomes the official name of record and will remain unchanged unless legal documentation is provided to justify altering the original name on the student’s official record. A student’s legal name will be used on all external systems including notifications sent to hometown newspapers, official transcripts, enrollment verifications, University diplomas and other external notifications that may be required.

Acceptable Legal Documents for Name Change

  • Domestic Students
  • International Students
    • Passport which must be valid and stamped with student visa. A copy is acceptable and may be verified through the Secure Document Upload Portal.
  • Former Clemson Students
    • Submit documents outlined above appropriate for your status—Domestic or International. Choose "Create New Account" at the Log In prompt to get started at the Secure Document Upload Portal for former students.

Other documents, such as driver’s license or notarized statements, can not be accepted.

Preferred Name Change

Clemson University began a phased implementation of a Preferred Name Procedure in Spring 2016. Ultimately, this will provide a consistent preferred name experience across University systems and use of one’s preferred name wherever legal name is not absolutely necessary. However, Clemson University’s infrastructure is multi-faceted and complex so the task of updating all systems will take some time. Preferred names will be displayed to the university community where feasible and appropriate. Currently, preferred name will be displayed on:

  • my.Clemson Directory (phonebook)
  • Canvas Learning Management System
  • iROAR Including Class Rolls
  • Class Rolls in Data Warehouse and iROAR Report Generator
  • Degree Works
  • TigerOne Card

Clemson University students, faculty and staff may choose to identify themselves within the University community using a preferred name that differs from their official/legal name. A student’s preferred first and/or middle name will appear instead of the official/legal name in select University-related systems and documents as noted above. The official/legal name will continue to be used in all University-related systems and documents that require a verified legal name. Inappropriate use of the preferred name (including but not limited to avoiding legal obligation or misrepresentation) may be cause for denying use of preferred names. Clemson University reserves the right to remove any preferred name that is deemed inappropriate and the student is subject to the regulations contained in the Student Code of Conduct.

The preferred name may be 32 characters or less and is limited to alpha characters (A-Z and a-z), a space or hyphen (-). Students should refrain from using the following in their preferred name:

  • Symbols, numbers, unusual capitalization, repeating characters or punctuation
  • Characters from multiple languages
  • Titles of any kind, ex. professional, religious
  • Offensive or suggestive word of any kind
  • Pretending to be anything or anyone else

Where to Enter a Preferred Name

Enter a Preferred Name in my.clemson or read more in the FAQ.
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