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Coordinator Resources

This page has valuable information and insights that can assist you in scheduling your events or registration tasks as a Clemson University room or registration coordinator. Find key 2024 dates, contact information for department rooms, and more.

Schedules and Key Dates

Stay current on key dates and deadlines for the upcoming semester.

Room Assignment and 25Live

INB Room Assignments

Learn about assigning a new room to a particular section, as well as how cross listed sections work, the difference between University owned rooms vs. Department Owned Rooms and more as you browse the following menu by category.

  • Assigning a New Room

    There are several key points to remember when assigning a new room to a section:

    1. There is a five-minute wait time between removing the old and adding a new assignment. 
    2. You should avoid putting "O" in the Override field.
    3. If a final exam creates a conflict with your section, you should change the end date to the Friday before exam week.

    If you are dealing with cross-listed sections, you will need to enter an AXM code for both parts of the cross-listed courses into the Automatic Schedule, as well as an O in the Override field.

  • TBA Room Assignments

    Assigning TBA rooms will make the mass room scheduler ignore those sections. You should do this on all sections where you don't want a university room assigned, including those where you don't want a room at all as allowing your courses to receive a room assignment takes the opportunity away from a course that may need it.

    Please remember to put the O in the Override field when assigning TBA rooms.

  • Department and University-Owned Rooms

    Department Owned Rooms

    You can make building and room assignments before the mass room scheduler runs only.

    Please do not schedule any sections in another department's department-owned room before/after the mass room scheduler runs.

    University Owned Rooms

    To assign University owned rooms, please use the Scheduler Preferences Tab and remember the following:

    • Do not enter anything under Section Preferences.
    • Do not enter a building and room.
    • Enter Room Attributes on the Scheduler Preferences tab.

    Only enter Partition Preferences if you do not want that particular section to receive the same partition preference as other courses with that same subject code. Registration Services manages Partition Preferences based on subject code.

    Additionally, every section's last partition preference is all rooms on campus by default. Please keep in mind the following:

    • The more attributes you enter, the fewer the choices are for rooms. Remember: less is better.
    • You cannot direct the mass room scheduler toward a room you would like to get by entering more preferences and attributes — doing so lowers your chances of getting a room.
    • Every partition preference and room attribute must be ranked, however, room attributes are all considered requirements.

    If you need to change a room assignment, please reach out to Registration Services for assistance and we'll be happy to help you. Email Registration Services

    Room Types

    • TEC1 — Laptop Smart
    • TEC2 — Computer Station
    • TEC3 — Smart Board
    • TEC4 — Sympodium

    *Some rooms carry more than one of the above-listed attributes/features. You may check the 25Live section below for current information.

25Live Scheduling System

Browse tips for scheduling and organizing upcoming events in 25Live — get assistance with finding a new room for a section, and browse the FAQ below to learn more.

  • Finding a New Room

    When finding a new room for a section, you should choose only university-owned rooms. You should also check if all dates are available, with special attention to exam week. 

    Please remember: sections have priorities over meetings.

  • Events

    If your upcoming event is scheduled in a department-owned classroom other than yours, you will have to wait for that department to approve your request.

    You should only use the Confirmed event state in 25Live to view events and you should always use the calendar to enter dates.

    25Live FAQ

Registration Coordinator Information and Tips

Please refer to the menu below for more information on how to complete your tasks as a registration coordinator. 

  • Reports

    Please use Business Objects to generate reports. Reach out to Chris Caldwell for help if you have further questions.

  • Instructors and Instructional Method

    Helpful Tips for Assigning Instructors in Banner

    As you enter instructor information into the Meeting Times and Instructor tab in Banner, you should keep in mind the following:

    • Each instructor's percent of responsibility must add up to 100%.
      • For example, two instructors teaching a course can share responsibility in any ratio (50-50, 25-75, etc.) as long as the total is 100%.
    • Only primary instructors can issue overrides in iROAR.
      • Primary instructors are limited to one per course.

    Instructors can view their schedule in iROAR > Faculty Services > Faculty Detail Schedule.

    Can't find an instructor in the Person Search Form? You'll need to fill out the Request for Additions to iROAR at Institutional Research. Click the button below to fill out the form!

    Request for Additions to iROAR

  • Add New Teaching Faculty or GTA

    Adding New Instructors or GTAs to Courses in Banner

    Registration Coordinators should attempt to assign Instructors (Faculty or GTRs) to their courses FIRST in iRoar. It is best to search for an instructor with their CID in the system. If an error message is encountered, only then should the Instructor iROAR Access Request be completed by the departmental Registration Coordinator.

    Individual instructors should not submit the Instructor iRoar Access Request for themselves since most errors are resolved by the department coordinators. The majority of instructors gain access automatically 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester or within 24 hours of having an activated PeopleSoft/HR record if there is less than 2 weeks before the start of the semester.

    If the form needs to be completed, please be sure to include the CID, Name, Department, access Type needed (Faculty or GTR) and Term access should begin. Access continues on a rolling basis as long as employment is maintained. Only one form should be completed per individual or group of individuals needing access.

  • Meeting Times

    Scheduling Meeting Times

    The prime meeting times for Clemson University courses are: MWF 9:05am - 2:15pm and TR 9:30am - 3:15pm.

    Courses that require a Non-Standard Time must meet after prime time ends: 

    • 2:15 MWF
    • 3:15 TR

    Courses may meet at a Non-Standard Time during prime-time if they are scheduled in a department-owned room. However, courses that require university-owned rooms must meet during Standard Meeting Times.

    TBA meeting times require a 0 in the Hours per Week field.

    Final Exams

    Final exam times are assigned based on the start time of the class. If the course begins at a Non-Standard Time, the department must contact the department room coordinator to make special arrangements for a class meeting space to hold the exam.

  • Overrides

    As a registration coordinator, you can provide overrides in Banner for any courses you schedule. Instructors can also provide overrides in iROAR for sections they teach. 

    Review the following instructions to override a course in banner.

    Instructions to Override a Course

    • Go to Page Name: SFASRPO
    • Select the appropriate override — it must match the iROAR registration error received by the student
      • Any Section Restriction
      • Special Approval
      • Time Conflict
      • Corequisite
      • Duplicate Course

    Visit the page below to find more detailed information about overrides.


  • Waitlist and Prerequisites

    Student Waitlist Information

    A student may waitlist a course until the first day of classes for the term. They will receive an automatic email if a seat in the course opens, and it is their responsibility to register within 24 hours. 

    If you increase the maximum enrollment for a course for which students are waitlisted, all waitlisted students will receive a notification. 

    • For example, increasing your maximum enrollment by 10 will send a notification to the first 10 students on that section's waitlist. 

    Helpful Tips

    • Do NOT use the waitlist feature on corequisite courses (i.e. lecture and lab courses).
    • Do NOT use the waitlist feature on course sections where seats are held for first year and transfer student orientations.
    • Do NOT attempt to add students via the Enrollment Management tool or the Registration Correction form to a section when there are students registered on the waitlist.
  • Prerequisites and Corequisites

    Prerequisites are enforced in iROAR registration.

    Corequisite Registration

    If courses are set up to be corequisites of one another, the student has to add the lecture and the lab together at the same time to be able to register.

    Students are not allowed to register for courses with time conflicts, however, as a registration coordinator, you can give them an override for it.

    If you have questions about prerequisites or corequisites as a registration coordinator, please reach out to Shannon Clark and get assistance!

  • Section Visibility in iROAR

    To hide your section, simply uncheck the Voice Response and Self-Service Available box on the lower right-hand corner in SSASECT.

    To see all sections you have created, go to the Section Overview tab under Faculty Services in iROAR.

  • Variable Credit Selection

    You can only set variable credits for a variable credit course once it has been approved. 

    After getting approval, you can set a specific number of credits per section of courses approved as variable credit. However, the set number of credits must fall between the approved credit range, (i.e., course approved for three to six credits can specify the credit for a particular section as long as the credit is greater than or equal to three and less than or equal to six).

    Please remember to enter the appropriate credit in the second line of Credit, Billing, Contact and Lecture Hours fields.

  • Cross Listing

    Discover step-by-step instructions below on how to set up cross-listed courses in Banner.

    Instructions to Set-Up Cross-Listed Courses

    1. Create a cross list code in SSASECT in Banner.
      • The "Cross List" field is in the top block in the "Course Section Information" tab.
    2. Check the override indicator field next to the instructor's name so they can teach both sections without conflict.
      • Once all the section information is complete and the crosslist code entered, manage the crosslisting in SSAXLST.
    3. Next-block down and click Insert to enter the course information of sections to add to your Cross List.

    Please remember: The Enrollment Maximum in the Cross List Section block must total the Maximum Enrollment number in the Cross List Enrollment block.

  • What Rolls Over

    What Rolls Over:

    Rollover Information

    What Rolled From Where
    Text Section Records
    Corequisites Section Records
    Degree Program Attributes Catalog
    Class Restrictions Catalog
    Field of Study Restrictions Catalog
    Level Restrictions Catalog
    Cross List Data Section Records
    Prerequisites Catalog
    Degree Restrictions Catalog
    Program Restrictions Catalog
    Section Syllabus Section Records
    Department Restrictions Catalog
    Student Attribute Restrictions Catalog
    Cohort Restrictions Catalog
    Partition Codes Schedule
    Room Attributes Schedule

    What Doesn't Roll:

    • Instructors
    • Rooms
      • Once you have set up your courses, Schedule25 will initially room all valid sections
    • Meeting Times

Scheduling Course Sections 

Browse the menu below by category to find important details about scheduling course sections in Banner.

  • General Information

    All the functions you need to schedule course sections are located on the Banner SSASECT page.

    The page has four tabs to help you schedule a course section: Course Section Information, Section Enrollment Information, Meeting Times and Instructors, and Section Preferences.

    To add section comments in Banner 9, you will need to enter the following code: SSATEXT.

  • Section Enrollment, Numbers and Restrictions

    Section Enrollment

    Do not put 0 in the Maximum Enrollment field, because the mass room scheduler will skip that section and will not assign a room to it.

    Section Numbers

    Section numbers must be three numbers in length, and they do need to be numeric (ex: 001). We suggest that you use sequential numbering to maintain organization.

    You can assign any section number to sections you schedule that have not been used for another section of the same course; if you enter a duplicate number, you will get an error code in Banner. 

    Section Restrictions

    Restrictions are applied in the iROAR Scheduler. The only restrictions that should be applied to a section are:

    • Field of Study
    • Class
    • Degree
    • Program
    • College
    • Student Attribute - Honors, CUBS, RISE, ATHL

    *Please do not use any of the other available restrictions.

  • Study Abroad and Embedded Study Abroad

    Discover instructions below to schedule study abroad and embedded study abroad sections.

    Study Abroad Section

    You must complete two additional steps to schedule a Study Abroad section:

    1. Use the appropriate Campus Code.
    2. Tuition and Fee Waiver box must be checked.

    Embedded Study Abroad Section

    You must complete two additional steps to schedule an Embedded Study Abroad section:

    1. Keep campus code as AAA
    2. Add EMBD attribute on SSADETL > Degree Programs Attributes tab
  • Honors Sections

    There are several extra steps you must take in order to schedule an honors section. The steps are as follows:

    1. SSASECT: type (HON) at the end of the course title.
    2. SSADETL > Degree Program Attributes tab: Select HONR — Clemson University Honors College
    3. SSARRES > Student Attribute and Cohort tab: Include HONR — Clemson University College
  • Section Migration


    Section Migration Analysis evaluates when the registered students have availability in their class schedule. It offers overall statistics of when students could take the course and at what time patterns. This tool is very helpful when you need to move students to newly created sections or disperse students amongst current sections.

    Assist Tool

    Section Migration Assist tool works in conjunction with the Analysis tool, giving you the statistics you need to change class times or create new sections. You can then move students registered in one section to another section.

    Note: The tool will drop and add the students and display any errors present.

    Enrollment Management

    The Enrollment Management tool allows you to add and drop students to/from the courses you are responsible for.

    You may give the following overrides in Section Migration Assist tool and Enrollment Management tool — all other overrides must be given by the instructor in iROAR or by a registration coordinator in INB.

    • Time Conflict
    • Special Approval
    • Field of Study Restriction
    • Class Restriction
    • Degree Restriction
    • Program Restriction

    Please do not add or drop student registrations from courses in which there are waitlisted students. You have access to add/drop student registrations in a particular term beginning the first day of early registration until the last day to add (see the Academic Calendar below). After this deadline, you must submit a registration correction form.

    Find the form you need to complete your task in iROAR and explore the Academic Calendar using the buttons below.

Office of Records and Registration
Office of Records and Registration | 102 Sikes Hall