Level One
These logos and wordmarks are the strongest visible symbols of Clemson and represent the entire University.

Master Marks
The Clemson wordmark and Tiger Paw may be used noncommercially* by anyone at the University as long as used appropriately within the guidelines set forth in this manual.
*Having no commercial objective and/or not intended to make a profit.
The primary wordmark is a stylized version of CLEMSON with the Tiger Paw in the “O” position. Because of the increased brand equity of CLEMSON and the Tiger Paw, UNIVERSITY is not included in the primary version. There are times when UNIVERSITY is needed. The alternative versions of the wordmark are to be used in those cases.
Clemson Wordmark
The CLEMSON wordmark should be used primarily for nonathletic University audiences. The primary wordmark is a stylized version of CLEMSON with the Tiger Paw in the “O” position and does not use the word UNIVERSITY.

Clemson Wordmark / Orange

Clemson Wordmark / Purple and Orange
Clemson Wordmark Guidelines
- CLEMSON and TIGER PAW should be primarily reproduced in either Clemson Orange* or Goal Line White. Approved color variations are shown.
- If reproduced in black, the TIGER PAW should be outlined with a fine black line, providing the TIGER PAW with a white background. Any other variations must be approved in advance by the Division of Marketing and Communications and the Trademarks and Licensing Office.
- Registration “®” mark must always be used and should appear in superscript beside the “N” in CLEMSON. In the case of the CLEMSON with the TIGER PAW in the “O” position version, a registration “®” mark only needs to appear in superscript beside the “N” in CLEMSON because of the lockup of the two master marks.
- * Clemson Orange – see color palette guidelines

Clemson Wordmark / Orange and Purple

Clemson Wordmark / Purple and White

Clemson Wordmark / Orange and White
Clemson University Wordmark
The CLEMSON UNIVERSITY wordmark should be used for general audiences and/or audiences that may not have a brand awareness of CLEMSON. There are optional alternative versions of this wordmark that include CLEMSON with the TIGER PAW in the “O” position and CLEMSON without the TIGER PAW. Either of these can be used but must follow the use guidelines.

University Wordmark + Paw / Orange

University Wordmark / Orange

University Wordmark + Paw / Orange and Purple

University Wordmark / Orange and Purple

University Wordmark / White

University Wordmark + Paw / White and Orange
Clemson University Wordmark Guidelines
- All use guidelines for CLEMSON wordmark (A) apply to this version.
- UNIVERSITY should be reproduced in Regalia, Clemson Orange* or Goal Line White.
Tiger Paw
Traditionally used exclusively for athletics, the Paw straddles academic and athletic usage.

Tiger Paw Logo Guidelines
- Tilt to one o'clock.
- Reproduce in either Goal Line White or Clemson Orange*.
- If printed in black and white, the Paw should be outlined with a fine black line, providing the Tiger Paw with a white background. Any other variations must be approved in advance by the Trademarks and Licensing Office.
- Registration ® mark must always be used.
*Clemson Orange - see color palette guidelines